Team Building with Twilio
It’s a new year and companies are ready to kick it off on the right foot with their teams. They are looking to inspire, engage and energize their teams for the rest of the year. What better way than to get out of the office for a team building experience in wine and cannabis country!
That’s exactly what Twilio did. They had their team in from all over the world in early January and needed a fun experience to kick things off. They booked a Wine & Cannabis Experience with us and it was an eye-opening day. Something new? Check. Something fun? Check. Something you can only do in Northern California? Check?
After picking them up from their office in San Francisco we made the trip north across the Golden Gate. Filled with questions, legality, products, strains, and techniques, this group was eager to see what is going on in Sonoma County. All their questions, and more, were answered at our first stop where they got to see first hand the cannabis manufacturing process. A truly eye-opening experience, we had to drag them out of there!
The second stop was Solful, a cannabis dispensary in Sebastopol. Out of our 14 attendees for the day, only two had stepped foot in a dispensary before. The group got our standard Q&A with the CEO/Co-Founder, which put them at ease going into the retail space browsing all the products they offer.
Rounded out by lunch and two wineries for tastings, this is a great team building experience. Get your team out of the office, have some fun, drink some wine, see behind the legal curtain of the cannabis industry….All in one day!