2019 Wine & Weed Symposium


With August coming and going, another Wine & Weed Symposium took place in Santa Rosa with people traveling from all over the country to see what is happening in the cannabis world. 

This year was headlined by Cory Beck, the CEO of The Family Coppola. Covering everything from alcohol trends to their jump into the cannabis industry, it was another solid keynote to kick off the symposium.


Being the official tour of the Symposium we put together a day of all that Sonoma County has to offer - cannabis, wine and beer. Hosting people from all over the country including Texas, Washington, and Florida, we started out by giving them a true peek behind the legal cannabis curtain, CannaCraft. Our group of 25 was able to walk their facility, see the extraction room, chocolate infusion lab and also see the bottling line for Hi-Fi Hops, a collaboration with Lagunitas. 

Following the behind the scenes tour of CannaCraft our group headed over to Solful. A recreational dispensary located in Sebastopol that was recently voted the best dispensary in Sonoma County by The Press Democrat. Our guests were able to meet with Eli Melrod, the Co-Founder and CEO to get a first-hand introduction to Solful and their mission as well as the products they carry. 

After getting our cannabis fix, we moved onto Barrel Brothers Brewing Company for craft beer tastings and lunch. It was a great time for our group to get a hearty meal from Olivers Market and taste from the one of craft beer capitals! 

Finally, we brought the Symposium full circle by ending the day at Francis Ford Coppola Winery. Walking the movie memorabilia museum and tasting wine while overlooking their vineyards was a great way to end the day.

We’re so honored to be a partner to the Wine & Weed Symposium and we’ll continue to support wine and cannabis businesses and help remove the stigma through education and enjoyable tours.


Jared Giammona