About chacho's catering
Sergio Valencia was born in Mexico. He fondly remembers weekends with his grandpa on his ranch, learning how to milk the cows, make cheese, and cook tortillas and salsa with the whole family. that's where his love for food began. Years later, he translated his family's passion for simple fresh food into a career.
A brief history
Sergio's parents came to Sonoma County many years ago, and like many other immigrants, started with next to nothing. Through hard work, his dad built his own tile company in Santa Rosa, and his mom worked for the local school system. Sergio says that his parents' work ethics and progress are continuous inspiration for him and his siblings.
After high school, Sergio took general education classes at #SRJC, but did not graduate. He took a break in his schooling and started a career in Sales for Pacific Snapple. When the company was sold to 7Up, he thought education might give him better opportunities, so he went back to college to study culinary arts.
Website: https://www.chachoscateringnco.com/